It is with pleasure and pride that I present this, our first recording together. The path to fruition has been longer than expected: it took a whole year of pandemic diversions before we were finally able to record “Stockholm Diary”. However, the genesis came long before. Esa-Pekka Salonen’s Stockholm Diary has been a hit for many years. Written for SNYKO but not yet recorded this was an obvious opportunity to make a recorded version. Not only that but the the piece is a perfect symbol for the collaboration or even symbiosis between me and Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra, Sweden and Finland.
We had also particularly enjoyed working with Verklärte Nacht, drawing on inspiration from Dehmel’s text as well as both the orchestral and sextet versions of the piece. Hopefully you will also been sucked in to world of Schönbergs moonlit lovers and their physical and emotional journey through the night.
Apparently Sally Beamish also fell under the spell of Verklärte Nacht when she wrote Glanz – a fascinating addition to the repertoire and one which could have led us to name the album LA Diary: Salonen, Schönberg, Beamish and Stravinsky have all been greatly affected by transfigurative time spent in LA and the album can also be seen as a secret greeting from across the Atlantic – exactly as music and culture inspires to be – free from boundaries.
To produce our first recording, document and celebrate our work together, has been hugely rewarding and definitely whet our appetite for more exciting adventures in the future. Until then we hope very much that you enjoy listening to this one!
Malin Broman
Maineikas Keski-Pohjanmaan Kamariorkesteri ja sen taiteellinen johtaja Malin Broman pääsevät loistamaan hengästyttävän hienolla Stockholm Diary -kiekolla. Kunnianhimoinen trippi pitää otteessaan alusta loppuun.
Taidemusiikin klassikot sekä kulttiteokset kylpevät jousien uhkeassa harmoniassa, jonka ajoittainen elokuvallisuus kutkuttaa. Etenkin Esa-Pekka Salosen työt toistuvat pohditulla näkemyksellä.
Juha Seitz, Ilkka-Pohjalainen

Stockholm Diary; Esa-Pekka Salonen: Stockholm Diary + Lachen Verlernt; Sally Beamish: Glanz; Arnold Schönberg: Verklärte Nacht; Igor Stravinsky: Concerto in D; Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra, Malin Broman; 1 CD Alba Records ABCD 467; Aufnahme 05.2021, Veröffentlichung 01.2022 (71′) – Rezension von Remy Franck
The Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra celebrates its 50th birthday with a first album under its artistic director Malin Broman, a Swedish violinist who is also featured in this program as a soloist on violin and viola.
Stockholm Diary for string orchestra by Esa-Pekka Salonen dates from 2004, and after a quiet beginning, the music grows in intensity, rising to a stormy final section.
This is followed by the quiet piece ‘Glanz’ by Sally Beamish, which explicitly refers to Verklärte Nacht. Schoenberg’s work follows next, alternating expressively between calm and feverish, in an interpretation that I found distinctly lacking in sensuality and in passion as well as in shaping breath (Karajan, among others, showed how this works in his Berlin recording).
Esa-Pekka Salonen’s ‘Lachen Verlernt’ was premiered in 2002.The title is a quotation from Schoenberg’s Pierrot Lunaire. The piece begins quietly and lyrically and, like Stockholm Diary before it, builds rapidly. A very short coda concludes the dramatic piece very quietly, in which Malin Broman shows herself to be an accomplished violinist.
Powerful and dramatic, with fine rhythm, Stravinsky’s Concerto in D is presented. The music is edgy, sharp, virtuosic and charged with tension. In all the works, the Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra impresses with vital, technically excellent playing. The sound recording is balanced and very present.
Pizzicato 3.2.2022

Klassinen / albumi
Stockholm Diary. Keski-Pohjanmaan kamariorkesteri, Malin Broman. Alba.
KESKI-POHJANMAAN kamariorkesterin taiteellinen johtaja ja liidaaja, viulisti ja alttoviulisti Malin Broman on kokonaisvaltainen muusikko, jolle sellonsoittokaan ei tiettävästi ole aivan vierasta. Levy on tallennettu koronaturvavälein. Esa-Pekka Salosen Stockholm Diary soi muhkeasti, mutta Igor Stravinskyn Concerto in D ja varsinkin Arnold Schönbergin Verklärte Nacht kärsivät kiinteyden puutteesta, minkä voi tulkita myönteisesti kamarimusiikilliseksi otteeksi. Sooloteoksissa – Sally Beamishin Glanz ja Salosen Lachen verlernt – Broman todistaa kykynsä luoda voimakasta läsnäolon tuntua.