Lotta Wennäkoski: Culla daria


Duration: 71:16



  • Wennäkoski, Lotta (b.1970)

1Nosztalgiaim (2006–2007)12:12FIABA800050
2Sade avaa Rain opens (1998–1999)15:41FIABA800051
3Culla d’aria (2004)9:30FIABA800052
  • Wennäkoski, Lotta (b. 1970)

Love and Life of a Woman (2003)
4A typical morning4:24FIABA800053
5Between them the moon3:46FIABA800054
6You are near me at all times1:41FIABA800055
7I waited with bated breath2:15FIABA800056
8Never make friends0:31FIABA800057
9Exactly, confined to ticking2:35FIABA800058
10Morning after morning3:39FIABA800059
11The ovum is silent2:09FIABA800060
12My basic instinct runs right up from my toes0:51FIABA800061
13Boogie mama4:29FIABA800062
14There is nevertheless a place on the map4:16FIABA800063
15I’m sorry I haven’t replied before2:54FIABA800064