ABCD 481 – USPENIE – kokoöinen vigilia

    Duration: :


    Album release date 13.08.2024

    Album release event in Helsinki at the Uspenski Cathedral on 13 August 2024 at 18:00


    Ruottinen composed his music for the Uspenie over a long period extending

    from 1984 to 2019, and some of the earlier movements have previously been

    performed and recorded. He completed the the first version of the full vigil for the 150th anniversary of

    Helsinki’s Uspenski Cathedral in 2018, when much of it was sung by the Cathedral

    choir conducted by Varvara Merras-Häyrynen.


    The All-Night Vigil is one of the cornerstones of music of the Orthodox Church,

    and sections of it have been given artistic expression by composers from

    Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff onwards, in Finland also Einojuhani Rautavaara. Settings of the full vigil are, however,

    rare. That by Ruottinen may be described as a through-composed entity designed

    for use in Finnish worship, its technical demands compatible with its singers’ skills.

    Matured over a period of four decades, it comprises movements in very different

    styles yet still within keeping of the various Orthodox music traditions.


    • Ruottinen, Timo (b.1947)

    1Alkupsalmi (Psalm 104, Bless the Lord, O my soul)2:38
    23. avuksihuutostikiira (3rd Sticheron at Lord, I Call)2:10
    3Dogmistikiira (Sticheron Dogmatikon)1:31
    4Ehtooveisu (O Gladsome Light)2:30
    51. parimia (1st Reading, from Genesis 28: 10–17)4:25
    64. litaniastikiira (4th Sticheron at the Lity)1:51
    71. virrelmästikiira (1st Sticheron at the Aposticha)1:41
    8Tropari: Oi Jumalansynnyttäjä (Apolytikion, In Giving Birth, O Theotokos)1:54
    93. troparivariaatio: Jumala on Herra (God is the Lord, 3rd variation)1:17
    104. troparivariaatio: Jumala on Herra (God is the Lord, 4th variation)1:34
    11Tropari: Oi Jumalansynnyttäjä (Apolytikion, In Giving Birth, O Theotokos)2:16
    12Polyeleopsalmi (Polyeleos, Praise the Name of the Lord)3:38
    13Pieni ylistysveisu (Megalynarion, We Magnify Thee)3:26
    14Monet himot (Antiphon at the Anabathmoi, From My Youth)3:04
    15Prokimeni (Prokeimenon, Psalm 45: 18)1:15
    16Stikiira evankeliumin jälkeen (Sticheron after the Gospel)2:25
    17Kontakki (Kontakion, Neither the Tomb Nor Death Had Power)1:04
    18Iikossi (Oikos, Set a Rampart about my Mind)2:21
    19Aamuruskolaulu (Exapostilarion, O Apostles)1:48
    20Kiitosstikiiroiden doksastikon (Doxastikon at the Praises)2:47
    Suuri ylistysveisu (Great Doxology)
    21I Enkelten hymni (Angelic Hymn)4:30
    22II Valikoidut jakeet Psalmien kirjasta (Selected Verses from the Psalter)4:27
    23III Trishagion2:41


    Vigilia Jumanlansynnyttäjälle – tätä levyä voi suositella jokaiselle ortodoksille

    Timo Ruottisen säveltämä teos Uspenie – kokoöinen vigilia on ajankohtaista kuunneltavaa Jumalansynnyttäjän kuolonuneen nukkumisen juhlan aikoihin.
    01.08.2024 – 01:02 Teksti: Risto Nordell